Finding the Right Tool
I plan on teaching elementary students. Hopefully, the upper level grades. I found this website: 100 Free Web Tools for Elementary Teachers. This site is broken down into different topics. The topics were Organization & Collaboration, Search Engines & Directory's, Google, Templates & Lesson Plans, Research & Reference, Games, Reading & Writing, Math & Science, Arts, History & Social Science, Online Libraries & Activities. I choose to elaborate on the activities topic.
Exporatorium Hands-On Activities has fun educational activities for your class. These are science based activities. You can browse by topic and type. There are activities and video you can watch. I think this would make Science more appealing to the students. Reading it from a book, sometimes is not very engaging. Watching a video or hands-on project can really get students thinking. I clicked on an activity called Lightening in Your Mouth. For the activity, you had to chew a piece of wintergreen lifesaver looking in a mirror in the dark. The candy makes sparks. It gives an explanation which was, when you crunch on the candy, you are making light with with friction. Here is a link to the site:
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